Course Description
Reactive programming has revolutionized the way frontend developers can handle asynchronous data streams and event-driven applications, and RxJS stands at the forefront of this paradigm shift. Whether you’re a beginner seeking to grasp the fundamentals of Reactive Programming with RxJS or an experienced developer looking to deepen your understanding, this course is tailored to suit all skill levels. Through a structured and hands-on approach, this course will guide you through building a credit card validation form using Reactive Programming and key RxJS concepts. Students will learn about Observable types, how to apply and use operators effectively, and how to effectively manage event and data streams.
Audience Profile
This course is built for developers who have JavaScript, TypeScript, and HTML knowledge and a familiarity with building Single Page Applications in modern frameworks like Angular and React.
About this Course
Course Outline
● Module 1: Introduction to RxJS
o Observables
o Transforming Observables
o Subjects & other Observable types
● Module 2: Basic Operators in RxJS
o What are operators and pipes
o Using the Map operator
● Module 3: Debugging in RxJS
o Logging Observable streams
o Tap operator
● Module 3: Reducer Pattern + Intermediate Operators
o Using zip, from, merge, delay, and scan operators
● Module 4: Advanced Operators
o combineLatest
● Module 5: Event Streams
o Dealing with user events
o Using combination operators
● Module 6: Multicasting
o Using operators to share Observable execution
2 Days
Software Development