Prompt Engineering

Instructor-led Training

Course Description

This comprehensive course in prompt engineering is structured across three modules, each designed to equip participants with a deep understanding and practical skills in leveraging GPT-4 and ChatGPT for content generation.

Audience Profile

The audience for this prompt engineering course is individuals with an interest or professional involvement in the field of natural language processing, artificial intelligence, or content generation. Participants could include data scientists, developers, content creators, or professionals seeking to enhance their skills in effectively utilizing language models like GPT-4 for prompt engineering.

About this Course

Module 1: Introduction to Prompt Engineering and GPT-4 

In Module 1, participants embark on an immersive journey, beginning with a warm welcome, ice-breaking session, and an exploration of course objectives. The module covers the fundamentals of ChatGPT and language models, providing insights into their history and functionality. Crucially, participants delve into the art of prompt writing, understanding the anatomy of effective prompts, guiding the model for desired responses, and distinguishing between open-ended and close-ended questions. Practical exercises involve crafting initial prompts and engaging in peer reviews to assess clarity and specificity. The module concludes with an introduction to the concept of temperature, demonstrating its impact on response creativity. An exercise challenges participants to design a prompt for a specific user persona, enhancing practical application. 

  • Welcome & Overview 
  • Ice-breaking session 
  • Course objectives and outline 
  • The Basics of ChatGPT and Language Models 
  • Brief history of OpenAI and GPT-4 
  • How ChatGPT works 
  • Fundamentals of Prompt Writing 
  • The anatomy of a good prompt 
  • How to guide the model to get the desired response 
  • The difference between open-ended and close-ended questions 
  • Considering the context and eliminating ambiguity in prompts 
  • Exercise: Crafting Your First Prompts 
  • Feedback Session and Peer Review of prompts 
  • Peer review: Assess clarity, specificity, and potential for generating a good response 
  • Group feedback: Discuss common challenges faced and best practices 
  • Temperature in GPT-3 and Its Role in Creativity 
  • Introduction to the concept of temperature in GPT-3 
  • How temperature affects the randomness and determinism of responses 
  • Exercise: Design a prompt for a specific user persona. For example: 
  • User Persona: A 7th-grade student studying for a science test 
  • Prompt: Create a concise summary on the topic of photosynthesis suitable for a 7th grader 

Module 2: Advanced Techniques in Prompting and Content Generation 

Module 2 advances participants’ skills with a focus on comparing homework results, understanding user personas, and crafting tailored prompts. Practical exercises include “Act-as Hack and Persona Emulation” and “Playing with Tone and Writing Styles,” providing hands-on experience in adapting prompts for various content tones. Strategic prompting, addressing challenges with AI-generated content and SEO, is a key highlight. A case study on real-world applications adds a practical dimension, fostering a deeper understanding of advanced prompting strategies. 

  • Compare homework results 
  • Understanding User Personas 
  • Crafting tailored prompts 
  • Exercise: Act-as Hack and Persona Emulation 
  • Create and present results 
  • Playing with Tone and Writing Styles 
  • Adapting prompts for different content tones 
  • Strategic Prompting: Avoiding AI Detection 
  • Challenges with AI-generated content and SEO 
  • Exercise: Mimicking Personal Writing Styles 
  • Feedback Session and Peer Review 
  • Case Study: Real-world Applications of Prompt Engineering 

Module 3: Hands-on Workshops and Final Project 

Module 3 elevates the course with hands-on workshops and a final project. Participants master AI content refinement techniques, including rewording and restructuring prompts. The final project, a scenario-based challenge, allows participants to showcase their prompt engineering proficiency. Presentations, feedback sessions, and a comprehensive wrap-up, including a Q&A and course feedback, mark the conclusion of this dynamic course. Overall, students will emerge from the program with the knowledge and skills to craft effective prompts, harness advanced techniques, and apply prompt engineering in real-world scenarios. 

  • Mastering AI Content Refinement Techniques 
  • Rewording, rephrasing, and restructuring 
  • Exercise: Crafting Prompts for Different Industries 
  • Final Project: Crafting a Comprehensive Prompt 
  • Scenario-based challenge 
  • Presentation and Feedback Session 
  • Wrap Up, Q&A, and Course Feedback 

1 Day




  • Data scientists,
  • Developers
  • Content Creators,
  • IT professionals 

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