Microsoft Cloud Training for Data Scientists

Enable your team with hands-on training solutions, meticulously designed to align with your business objectives.


Microsoft Official Curriculum

Microsoft Applied Skills

Practice Exams

Exam Vouchers

Study Guides

White Board Designs

Hands-on Labs

Guided Hackathons

Custom Courseware

Cloud Workshops

Azure Mastery Bootcamps

Cloud Sandbox

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What is a Data Scientists?

In the era of big data, the role of a data scientist is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. Data scientists are the detectives of the data world, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting vast amounts of data to solve complex business challenges.

Opsgility’s Data Science Training program is designed to equip your IT professionals with the skills to become proficient data scientists. Our curriculum combines the disciplines of statistics, computer science, and business strategy, enabling your team to help your organization gain deeper insights and achieve its objectives.

Our training goes beyond theory. We dive into the practical aspects of data science, teaching your team how to handle messy, unstructured data from various sources, and devise methods to make sense of it. We cover advanced topics like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and statistical analysis, empowering your team to uncover trends and challenge existing assumptions.

Microsoft Data Scientist Learning Path

Fundamental Certifications


Associate Certifications


Microsoft Applied Skills


Certification Preparation Materials

• Practice Exams
• Exam Vouchers
• Study Guides
• White Board Designs
• Hands-on Labs

Guided Hackathon

Opsgility Official Courses


Microsoft 365

Cloud Workshops

Cloud Sandbox

Leverage Microsoft Cloud technologies at scale for non-production tasks, including but not limited to, training sessions, development of proof of concepts, customer demonstrations, and beyond.

Want to Learn More? Request a Free Consultation!

Meet with a Cloud Training Expert to create a custom learning plan tailored to your business. Each plan is designed to sharpen your team's technical skills across Microsoft Cloud Technologies.